December 15, 2024

Main things about the organization

The Research-Intellectual Club "Dialogue of Generations" was established on November 23, 2005. On November 13, 2007, the organization was officially registered.

RICDOG is a community-based organization that sees itself as a model for society. The organization’s experience has shown that it is possible to collaborate, live, communicate, and work together in diverse environments in Georgia. RICDOG’s past years have shown that the best results are achieved when people of different generations collaborate and join forces to create innovations, solve challenges, and share knowledge.

RICDOG is a non-commercial, non-profit, non-governmental organization.

RICDOG is a complex organization focused on the use of innovative methods. It is rapidly developing and constantly seeking new approaches and methods, trying to involve as many people as possible in the organization's activities and to spread its mission, visions, and standards.

RICDOG is a family that cares for all its members and supports their personal development.

RICDOG is a youth-spirited organization.

Initial Stage

Initiative Group Period

On November 23, 2005, the idea of ​​a “Research Club” was created within the framework of the Akaki Tsereteli State University, Faculty of Humanities, to actively involve young people in the scientific field. The club was informal and was limited to scientific discourses on various topics once a month. Students and lecturers participated equally in the discussions. Two speakers were prepared around the topic, who opposed each other, and after their reports, other students and lecturers present joined the discussion. The opinions expressed during the discussion were printed in the form of a brochure.

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Since the science club was formed by a student of the Department of Slavic Studies and the main participants in the first research discussions were students of the same department, the first topics revolved around Slavic studies, but later the diversity of topics expanded, and students and lecturers from other specialties became involved in the club's work.

The club's structure existed in an embryonic form, and its activities were coordinated by Nugzar Kokhreidze, a master's student in Slavic Studies, and the scientific supervisor was Iraida Krotenko, head of the Slavic Studies Department.

The club step by step expanded its scope of work, both geographically and thematically. Later, in addition to scientific clubs, it organized various types of intellectual events, held exhibitions of drawings created by students, and more.

The club's motto was Descartes' famous statement "Cogito Ergo Sum".

The stage of formation as a non-governmental organization

In 2007, the club grew significantly and its activities became more diverse. Its members included not only students from Akaki Tsereteli State University but also students from other universities. This circumstance accelerated the changes.

The first step was the official registration of the organization. On November 13, 2007, Iraida Krotenko, Nona Bobokhidze, and Nugzar Kokhreidze founded the Research-Intellectual Club “Dialogue of Generations”.

Nugzar Kokhreidze was elected as the chairman of the organization's board, while Maka Tsertsvadze became his deputy.

Over the next 8 years, the organization gradually established organizational structures. Initially, the executive body of the organization, the Board, worked according to the organization's directions, but since 2010 it has shifted to the principle of teamwork.

In 2010, the organization's team developed the organization's strategic development plan for 2010-2014.

In 2013, the organization developed a PR strategy that defined the organization's logo, slogan, colors, etiquette, and visions for relations with the media, the public, other NGOs, and the government.

Full name: Research-Intellectual Club "Dialogue of Generations"

Motto: „Be Active Always and Everywhere“.

Colors: Blue, Yellow and Green


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The organization's human resources management and fundraising strategy was created. The organization's directions were developed and a thematic format was established.

The organization, which began its activities in 2005 without any funding, has slowly raised small but necessary funds for development.

To ensure financial sustainability, the organization has developed a short-term vision for fundraising. In the 2010-2014 strategy, a significant role was devoted to ensuring the organization's financial sustainability, especially: raising funds for the organization's office, primary technical and staffing needs, and forming reserve funds.

In 2007, the organization introduced a membership fee, initially 1 GEL, then 3, and later 5 GEL. Membership fees provided small but positive steps towards relatively significant financial security.

In 2005-2014, the organization was led by Nugzar Kokhreidze, during which the foundation was laid for many important directions and programs.

“Dialogue of Generations” has established such programs as: a research club, a science lecture hall, a cycle of intellectual and logical games, a volunteer club, a simulation game “Open Self-Government”, PR School, Art is Fun, a knitting workshop, geocaching, a corporate game “Return of the Golden Fleece”, a “Project Writing and Management Course” and others. Since 2012, together with the local government, it has been providing software for the simulated game “Kutaisi Youth Parliament”.

Since 2007, RICDOG has been actively involved in the European Commission's Youth in Action program (now Erasmus +) and has implemented numerous exchange, educational and training programs, involving more than 700 young people.

In 2011, at the initiative of organization member Eliso Gegenava, the foundation was laid for the organization's main event of the year, the charity campaign "It Still Exists."

The same year, the foundation is laid for the RICDOG camp, which is held annually at the end of July and where members of the organization summarize and plan for the year.

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In 2013, the organization successfully passed the European Voluntary Service accreditation, which it renewed in subsequent years and now has accreditation for the reformed program, the European Solidarity Corps.

It hosted up to 14 European volunteers and sent 6 local volunteers.

Hosted up to 14 European volunteers and 6 local volunteers. In 2014, “Generations Dialogue” already joined the Peace Corps volunteer program and hosted 2 American volunteers, Jill Simpson and Andrew Schafer. They made a significant contribution to the institutional and program development of the organization. Send a message.

During these years, RICDOG has partnered with the international movement against climate change and has become a member of the Georgian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.

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During these years, the following members of the board for various terms were: Nugzar Kokhreidze (Chairman of the club: 2005-2007, Chairman of the board 2007-2014), Maka Tsertsvadze (Deputy - 2007-2011), Giorgi Janelidze (Deputy 2011-2013), Gvantsa Totadze (Deputy 2013-2014), Tamuna Kopaliani, Nini Vashakmadze, Feride Kutateladze, Bezhan Nikabadze, Konstantine Svanidze, Giorgi Uglava, Tiesa Morchadze, Teona Zakarashvili, Guram Kvantaliani, Ana Lemonjava, Ekaterine Pataraia and others.

The stage of reforms and transformation

In 2014, RICDOG began a new process of transformation. The organization's charter is being changed, a new structure is being formed, and the organization's development strategy for 2015-2024 is being developed.


Founders of the organization: President – ​​Iraida Krotenko; Vice-President – ​​Nona Bobokhidze; Chairman – Nugzar Kokhreidze. 

The Presidium elects the members of the organization once a year (with a one-year mandate), chairs the general meeting of members, and convenes program and financial reports from the Board. One member of the Presidium has equal representation rights with the Secretary-General. Once every 5 years, one new member may be added to the Presidium. Honorary Secretaries General have this right if their term of membership in the Board has expired. 


It is formed by the members of the organization for a term of 3 years. The Board elects the Secretary-General and his/her deputy for a term of 1 year (with the right to be re-elected 3 times). 

General Meeting of Members

It consists of 20 members (25 in exceptional cases) for one year (from November to November). A general meeting of members is held every 6 months. 

Today, it can be said that RICDOG has a complete normative base to develop the organization: all key documents that will contribute to organizational development.

It is important that the organization clearly defines the functions and responsibilities of the three governing bodies and ensures a system of balancing these bodies: the Presidium, the Board, and the General Assembly of Members. It developed a completely new form and approach in terms of the involvement and professional growth of the organization's members.

Many programs were implemented to address organizational structure and personnel issues, ranging from organizing internal organizational training and seminars to engaging in exchange and learning events.

Many programs have been implemented to address organizational structure and personnel issues, starting with the development of internal organizational democracy and the involvement of members in the decision-making process. A gamified corporate organizational structure was created, the goal of which is to promote the personal development of organization members, their involvement in the decision-making process, and the development of self-assessment competence. From organizing trainings, and seminars, to engaging in exchange and educational events.

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A corporate gamified program, “RICDOG Stock Exchange,” was also created to establish and stimulate a fundraising culture among members.

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The organization establishes internal structures in the form of departments, which are still in operation today:

"Manage Your Organization", Which takes care of the personal development of the member, and involvement and implements several measures to ensure greater democracy. A system of support and training is being formed, where the founders provide coaching to the board members, the board members supervise the members of the organization, and the members mentor the program participants and volunteers.

"Project Writing and Management Department", Which teaches members how to write projects and involves them in the process of sourcing and implementing projects.

"Fundraising Department", Which ensures the involvement of all members of the organization in fundraising activities, implements financial education programs, and seeks various ways to differentiate finances.

During this period, RICDOG laid the foundation for traditions that continue to this day:

Member Mandate Day

On November 17th of each year, anyone can interview the founders and become a member of the organization for 1 year, with the right to be elected multiple times.

Member of the Year

Since 2018, the "Best Member of the Year" has been revealed at a charity event at the end of the year.

On January 15, an inauguration ceremony is held for the organization's best member.

The best members of the year are:

2018 - Kristine Chikhladze

2019 - Dea Ezugbaia

2020 - Shako Jincharadze

2021 - Mariam Zhorzholiani

2022- Teimuraz Jimsheleishvili

In addition, in 2014 and 2016, the status of the best member was awarded to: Monika Dogonadze and Tako Kheladze (2014) and Irakli Tevzadze (2016).

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The selected members elect the Board of Directors in late November, and the Board of Directors elects a Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General from among its ranks.

Inauguration of the Honorary Secretary General

On December 17 (every third year), the inauguration of the Honorary Secretary General is held, at which the former Secretary General reports to the public and receives an honorary award, which includes a cash bonus for three years, membership of the board with voting rights for five years, and the choice of the desired direction in the event of continuing to work in the organization.

Lighting of the New Year's Tree

This tradition began in 2020. On December 17, members of the organization put up a Christmas tree together and then give each other gifts.

Honorary Award

Every 5 years, the organization celebrates an anniversary, an important part of which is the presentation of an honorary award.

The award for exceptional contribution will be presented to two people: 1. An external person to the organization; 2. An internal person to the organization.

The award is presented to people who, from the organization's perspective, have played a significant role in the development of the country and the organization.

The honorary award winners are:

2015 Anniversary Event

Nodar Jikia – Director of Programs of the Georgian Young Lawyers Association, Kutaisi branch;

Maka Tsartivadze – Deputy Chairman of the RICDOG Board in 2007-2011.

2020 Anniversary Online Event

Nino Tchkobadze – Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia, Chairman of the Georgian Green Movement, Friends of the Earth - Georgia;

Gvanca Totadze – Secretary General of RICDOG in 2014-2017.

2014-2017 years

Secretary General – Gvantsa Totadze

Deputy Secretary General – Ekaterine Marukashvili

Board members:

Tiesa Morchadze, Tsitsi Dzadzua, Lorena Gabelia, Konstantine Svanidze, Giorgi Uglava, Akaki Saghinadze, Avtandil Mikautadze, Lana Totadze.

3 years was an important period for demonstrating the effectiveness of the organization's structural changes, in terms of the proper functioning of the organization, its image, and final appearance. During this time, the organization implemented all its strategic documents especially the "Strategic Development Document", where the emphasis was placed on fulfilling the priorities of the year. The organization fully adhered to the priorities of the year and, based on them, implemented relevant programs and projects, as well as one-time actions and activities.

The following types of documents were created during this period:

Strategic Development Plan (2015-2024);

Fundraising strategy;

The concept of gender equality;

PR strategy;

Human Resources and Management Strategy;

Freelancer system.

2017-2020 year

Secretary General – Ekaterine Marukashvili

Deputy Secretary General – Lana Totadze

Board members:

Akaki Saghinadze, Durmishkhan Kikutadze, Avtandil Mikautadze, Irakli Tevzadze, Giorgi Gabriadze, Kristine Chikhladze, Kakhaber Edzgveradze.

The following documents were approved during this period:

Code of Conduct;


Green office concept.

During this period, the organizational gamified structure program changes and the organization moves to a new approach, which “RICDOG Engagement Structure.” called.

Important event: In 2020, the organization acquired its own office space through a broad public campaign.

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2020-2023 year

Secretary General – Lana Totadze

Deputy Secretary General – Irakli Tevzadze

Board members:

Durmishkhan Kikutadze, Kristine Chikhladze, Kakhaber Edzgveradze, Diana Abuladze, Tatia Topadze.


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