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February 10, 2025 Uncategorized 65 views

RICDOG მოხალისეთა კლუბში მიღება დაიწყო!

თუ გაქვს სურვილი გახდე აქტიური მოქალაქე, გამოიმუშავო საკვანძო კომპეტენციები და მიიღო პრაქტიკული გამოცდილება, არ გამოტოვო ეს შანსი! მონაწილეობის მიღება შეუძლიათ 14-29 წლის ახალგაზრდებს. პროგრამის მიზანია ხელი შეუწყოს ახალგაზრდებში მოხალისეობისა და აქტიური მოქალაქეობის იდეის პოპულარიზებას. მოხალისეთა კლუბი გაძლევს შესაძლებლობას: შეიძინო მოხალისეობრივი გამოცდილება; გაიცნო ახალი და საინტერესო ადამიანები; განივითარო სხვადასხვა უნარი და კომპეტენცია; ჩაერთო სამოქალაქო ცხოვრებაში და გახდე აქტიური მოქალაქე; დაგეგმო და განახორციელო სხვადასხვა სახის აქტივობა და ღონისძიება. პროგრამის ხანგრძლივობა – 3 თვე. მოხალისეთა კლუბის შეხვედრები გაიმართება ყოველ ხუთშაბათს, 16:00 საათზე. დაინტერესებულმა პირებმა გთხოვთ შეავსოთ სააპლიკაციო ფორმა: აპლიკაციის შევსების ბოლო ვადაა 2025 წლის 13 თებერვალი, 18:00 საათი! გამოიყენე ეს შანსი და გახდი RICDOG მოხალისეთა კლუბის წევრი! კითხვების არსებობის შემთხვევაში, გთხოვთ დაგვიკავშირდეთ: +995 555 40 10 86  მისამართი: ვ. კუპრაძის მე-14 შესახვევი N 12.

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January 12, 2025 Uncategorized 701 views

It Still Exists! - 2024

"It Still Exists" is a charity event that RICDOG has been organizing for 14 years, continuously, on New Year's Eve. The charity event aims to support socially vulnerable, large families living below the poverty line. During these years “It Still Exists” has become a great tradition and has even acquired a slogan – it is a New Year's tradition for Me, You, and the Whole City! In 2024, we helped 30 socially vulnerable, large families in the New Year and fulfilled the wishes of more than 120 children. In addition to individual donations, our team has received support from several companies, small and medium-sized businesses, including: We would like to remind you that in November-December 2024, based on the ongoing processes in Georgia, the organization made a decision not to implement one of the components of the action event - the Event. (See the announcement). For more information about the event, click here:

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December 26, 2024 Uncategorized 108 views

 "It Still Exists" – This Year It Will Be Held in a Different Format

Due to the current situation in Georgia, RICDOG has decided to hold the “It Still Exists” charity campaign in a different format this year. Despite all the challenges, we continue to collect funds and other resources with the help of individual donors and companies, so we can visit socially vulnerable, large families on New Year’s Eve and bring them joy. However, this year, the traditional charity evening event will not take place, as Georgia is currently fighting for its future. We will, on a smaller scale, but definitely help families before the New Year. To our loyal supporters, we kindly ask you: Consider that the event took place and that you participated in it. Therefore, the cost of a ticket for the event, as a donation, should be transferred to our account, and together we can strengthen our charitable cause! Your support is invaluable! We wish Georgia victory and a better future! Anyone can donate! Donations can be made to the following account numbers: GEL account/ლარის ანგარიში (TBC): GE08TB7127036080100002 GEL account/ლარის ანგარიში (BOG): GE97BG0000000528008670 Recipient: Research-Intellectual Club "Dialogue of Generations. Please indicate "Donation."

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December 26, 2024 Uncategorized 77 views

ART is Fun+ has reached its goal with crowdfunding!

Thank you to all our supporters! We are happy to announce that we have raised the target amount, which means that the idea will receive $ 3,500 co-financing from the USAID Civil Society Engagement Program. We can already say with confidence that RICDOG will soon implement ART is Fun+. P.S. “ART is Fun +” is a special program for 100 socially vulnerable children. The program will develop key competencies, English language skills, creativity and critical thinking in children. Children participating in the program will become more confident and motivated, which will also be reflected in their academic results and level of social engagement. The program will be held in the newly created social enterprise space in Kutaisi, with the involvement of youth workers.

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December 24, 2024 Uncategorized 105 views

Become an "Elf"

Anyone who wants to become an elf, join the "He Still Exists" team, create a New Year's miracle and give children unforgettable emotions can fill out the application form:

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December 24, 2024 Uncategorized 141 views

Charity campaign "It Still Exists"

It Still Exists – a New Year’s tradition for me, you and the whole city! The idea for the “It Still Exists” campaign dates back to Eliso Gegenava, a member of the organization at the time. She independently helped socially vulnerable large families with only one parent. After Eliso spread this idea throughout the organization, the organization’s members quickly adopted it and gave it a larger scale. Over time, many traditions have formed around the “It Still Exists” campaign, and it has become a traditional charity event of the whole city, with traditional participants. Preparations for the campaign begin in November, in which members of the organization, volunteers and elves join in order to help as many families as possible. The organization’s volunteers make handmade items, bake muffins, make hot chocolate and start collecting donations by selling them throughout the city. The members of the organization are working on sponsorships, looking for companies that will support the event with products or money. ​ Gift box in the Kutaisi shopping center "Karvasla" Since 2021, elves have been placing a "He Still Exists" gift box on the third floor of "Karvasla", where any person […]

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December 24, 2024 Uncategorized 113 views

Bank Accounts

“It still exists!” is a traditional charity event of the Research-Intellectual Club “Dialogue of Generations”. We have been helping socially vulnerable families with many children for years. This event is held once a year and RICDOG visits pre-selected families with Santa Claus from 00:00 on December 31st of each year. The gift basket includes: children's necessities, toys, meat products, cereals, and more. 💱💸 Anyone can donate money! Our active supporters are representatives of local businesses and non-governmental organizations, individuals, including Georgian citizens living abroad. 💸💸💸 Money can be transferred to the following account numbers: Lari account details (GEL): GE52TB0327036080100001 Dollar account details (USD): GE96TB0327036180100001 Euro account details (EURO): GE96TB0327036180100001 JSC "TBC Bank" (TBC BANK)➡ Scientific-Intellectual Club 'Dialogue of Generations' ➡ Please indicate "Donation" (Charity).

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December 24, 2024 Uncategorized 81 views

UNFCCC Admitted Organization

RICDOG has been accredited as an observer organization for the UNFCCC. Research-Intellectual club “Dialogue of Generations” has been accredited as an observer for the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) Conference of the Parties (COP- Conference of the Parties). What is the UNFCCC? The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is a global agreement of the United Nations to combat climate change, which coordinates international actions to reduce greenhouse gases and adapt to the consequences of climate change. What is the COP? The COP (Conference of the Parties) is an annual conference within the framework of the UNFCCC, where member states (parties) meet to discuss global issues related to climate change, make decisions and determine future actions. The COP is a platform where international climate policy is coordinated and developed, including within the framework of the Paris Agreement. What does observer status mean for RICDOG? Observer status at the COP (Conference of the Parties) means that RICDOG is allowed to attend meetings, participate in discussions and observe the processes, but does not have the right to make decisions or vote, which are directly exercised by country representatives. Observer organizations play an important […]

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December 24, 2024 Uncategorized 63 views

European Solidarity Corps in RICDOG

Until 2027, RICDOG will be able to receive 4 long-term and 4 short-term volunteers at a time. It has also received the right to receive 2 long-term and 2 short-term volunteers for the Baghdati Youth Center “Game Zone” (which the organization provides programming). In addition, it will receive a group of 12 volunteers at a time. What is the European Solidarity Corps? The European Solidarity Corps is the European Union’s youth volunteering program. The European Solidarity Corps aims to promote solidarity as a value through volunteering, to strengthen the involvement of young people and organizations in accessible and high-quality solidarity activities, which, in turn, will contribute to strengthening unity, solidarity, democracy and citizenship in Europe, as well as social challenges and strengthening communities, with particular support for social integration. In addition, the program also contributes to increasing European youth cooperation. More specifically, its objectives are: In order to cooperate with organizations from Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, the following activities are possible: Organizations wishing to participate in the above opportunities must obtain a Quality Label. Organizations with European Voluntary Service (EVS) accreditation will automatically be able to participate in European Solidarity Corps activities. Detailed information […]

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December 24, 2024 Uncategorized 109 views


Research-Intellectual Club “Dialogue of Generations” holds a membership reception on November 17 of each year, where members are selected for a one-year term. Candidates for membership must undergo an individual interview (offline or online) with the founders. The candidate must have a recommendation from at least 1 current board member. Everyone who meets the criteria (the criteria may be changed by the decision of the board members) has a chance to obtain member status at the membership reception: The necessary requirements are:

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